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Understanding Pottery is a series in production by Washington Street Studios. The video series is a digital textbook that will take you through the entire ceramic process from the raw material through the finished ceramic pieces. There are five sections and twenty-six chapters planned in the series and they are:

Section I: The Pottery Making Sequence

Chapter 1: What is Clay?

Chapter 2: Clay Properties and Drying

Chapter 3: Bisque Firing

Chapter 4: Tips for Successful Glazing

Chapter 5: Pyrometric Cones

Chapter 6: Glaze Firing

Section II: Use of Raw Materials

Chapter 7: Chemistry for Potters

Chapter 8: Glaze Chemistry

Chapter 9: Oxides, Washes, Underglazes and Stains

Chapter 10: Geology for Potters

Chapter 11: Use of Local Materials

Section III: Kilns and Firings

Chapter 12: Atmospheric Firings

Chapter 13: Wood-Fired Kilns

Chapter 14: Gas-Fired Kilns

Chapter 15: Electric Kilns

Chapter 16: Raku Kilns

Section IV: Solving Problems

Chapter 17: Kiln Performance Problems

Chapter 18: Clay Body Defects

Chapter 19: Glaze Defects

Section V: Practical Applications

Chapter 20: Pottery Myths, Errors and Misconceptions

Chapter 21: Thixotropy, Quartz Inversions and Other Pottery Mysteries

Chapter 22: Pottery and Physics

Chapter 23: Pottery Figurin’ (Math)

Chapter 24: Personal Safety with Pottery

Chapter 25: Critiquing Your Own Pottery: Design Principles You Can Use

Chapter 26: Tips for Buying Used Pottery Equipment


This product is an edited transcript of Chapter 1: What is Clay?

Understanding Pottery, Chapter 3: Bisque Firing - Transcript

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  • This document was created by and is owned by Washington Street Studios. Distribution and reproduction of this document is prohibited without written consent from Washington Street Studios, Inc.

  • Hi, I'm Phil Berneburg. Welcome to another session of “The Potters’ Round Table” from Washington Street Studios. This is the third talk in our series of the different steps that occur during the normal pottery-making process. Last time, we talked about drying clay. Today we're going to talk about the next step, which is bisque firing.

    The word bisque firing has been used in several different ways, but the main definition of it is primarily to strengthen the clay and secondarily to remove all the remaining water from the clay. There are two terms that have been applied to this firing historically.

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