Kiln Firing Schedule
Electric Kiln Firing
Glaze and bisque firings are loaded and unloaded on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
If your pots are wet or freshly glazed, they must dry before they are put into the kiln. Thus, they may remain on the shelf for a firing cycle.
Ensure the fan is on and the window is open in the kiln room.
Gas and Soda Firing
Loading Saturday and Sunday - October 21-22
Firing Saturday, November 4th
Unloading Sunday, November 12th
Another firing is being planned for late November/early December to provide an opportunity to get holiday gifts done.
For more information contact Rob Van Rens by sending an email or text (thatpotteryguy@gmail.com or 240-367-2862).
A signup sheet has been created in Google Drive to assist with maintenance, firing, and loading/unloading.
Dates TBD
For more information contact Abigail Greer directly.